Thursday, 19 January 2017

Research Rationale

The popularity of my chosen genre across virtually all social media platforms confirmed that my magazine would be most synonymous with an age range of 16-19 years old. As a sixth form student I have easy access to teenagers, so I will be able to complete primary and secondary research, and I will have enough people to produce quantitive and qualitative data. In terms of real life application, things like statistics and facts about my target market would be crucial, so I aim to gather as much information as possible as it will be important whilst working on other areas of the project... Understanding why they are attracted to the genre and a particular magazine will allow me to consider their opinions whilst creating my own as I can incorporate their ideas and feedback. 

I am going to conduct general observational research by asking my classmates to complete surveys with questions -a combination of 'yes' or 'no' answers as well as allowance for detailed responses will prove beneficial to me in the future- and for my focused research I want to take advantage of the high-tech culture we live in. I have discovered that I share similar  music tastes to those in my year and in the year above through listening to their playlists whilst interacting with them; this will be how I choose who I want in my focus group, and I plan to present the results of my gender-balanced sample (I want a mixture of boys and girls as the genre's typical fans are broad) using screenshots and graphs. These are methods I can do efficiently as they involve resources that are available to me because they are devices I already have such as a mobile phone and a computer.

 To get an insight into the current state of this subsection of the industry I've subscribed to Youtube channels who regularly upload music videos and freestyles of female grime artists ('SBTV', 'LinkUpTV', 'Grime Daily') and I've  followed up and coming names on instagram and twitter (@stefflondon, @msbanks94). These steps will ensure I am updated and constantly getting inspiration. 

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